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Gentle Guidance for Sleep: Debunking Sleep Training Myths

Dear Parents ❤️

In the world of parenting, especially when it comes to sleep routines, there's an overwhelming amount of advice and information out there. Amongst the big sea of opinions, I would like to offer a gentle and compassionate reminder, it's not all or nothing, and there's no need to strive for 10000% consistency every day.

As a Baby Consultant I'm here to share a different perspective. Your baby is a unique little person, and just like us adults, their days and nights won't always follow a rigid schedule. That's perfectly okay and I promise perfectly normal. The idea of a black-and-white, one-size-fits-all approach to sleep training can be so so stressful for everyone involved.

Instead, I encourage you to trust your instincts as a parent. You know your baby better than anyone else. Together, we can find better sleep solutions that honor your baby's individuality and your family's needs. It doesn't have to be a rigid, all-or-nothing process.

Please remember that you are doing an incredible job, even on days when it may not feel like it. You are exactly what your baby needs, filled with love and care. Sleep routines can be adjusted and adapted over time, always with your baby's best interests at heart.

As always, I'm sending you so much love and support on your parenting journey. You're not alone, and I'm here to help and support you every step of the way. During those days that feel absolutely perfect and dreamy, too those days that feel not so settled . What would happen if we didnt constantly strive for the perfect sleeping baby and felt at ease with having the tools and strategies to know what to do when it was just one of those days!!

Much love

Vicki K ❤️


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