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Daylight Savings and Baby Sleep. Embracing Change with Confidence instead of fear

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we didn't stress about Daylight Savings and its impact on baby sleep? The truth is, it would be absolutely okay. Let's break free from the cycle of worry and anxiety, which at times can be fuelled by social media and articles.

The First Day

Daylight Savings might bring a feeling of uncertainty, especially when it comes to your baby's or little ones sleep schedule. The first day might indeed feel a bit unusual. But remember, it's just a moment in time.Like we adjust in a couple of days, I promise your little ones will also .

Adapting Together

Much like us, babies are beautiful adaptable little ones. . They tune into their environment and the rhythms and energy around them. Trust in your baby's ability to adjust, just as you do when traveling or experiencing changes in routine.

The Power of Flexibility and just being (I'm Passionate about this)

Rather than rigidly adhering to the clock, listen to your baby's cues and follow their lead. Babies have an incredible way of guiding us towards what they need. You can use awake time windows if that helps .(You can see these on my support page "vicki-k mums support" on Facebook)

Supporting Each Other:

In this journey, let's support one another without comparison. What works for one family may not work for another, and that's perfectly fine. Share your experiences and tips, but always remember the uniqueness of YOUR baby's needs. This is powerful.

Daylight Savings is a beautiful opportunity to enjoy longer daylight hours and the wonderful family fun and adventures. . So let's let go of unnecessary worry and fear and embrace this beautiful change with confidence. Your baby's sleep will adjust, and your family will thrive with flexibility and understanding.

In the end, it's not about the clock; it's about cherishing and enjoying the beautiful special moments with your little one. Don't worry about the time it would have been the previous day , before daylight savings. Within a couple of days just follow your routine and awake windows as you did before , and I promise it will feel your beautiful new normal . Your baby will adjust just like you have . That I promise .

Much love Always

Vicki K


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